Both Personal Training and Programming with Online Support include access to my app, which is built around PT Distinction.

There are many apps that allow PTs to share programmes with clients but I chose this one because it’s so comprehensive and customisable - I can adapt it to exactly what you’re interested in and get rid of everything else.

The app is downloadable from the Play Store and App Store.

How I set it up will depend entirely on you but below are some of the many potential features we could make use of.

Truly personalised programming

Informed by our consultation and movement assessment I'll write you workouts to meet your goals using whatever equipment and space you have available.

I've recorded hundreds of demonstration videos with comprehensive cues and technical instruction so you can be sure you're moving safely and efficiently.

Messaging and form checks

You can use the messenger in the app to send over any questions that come up while training, including videos for form-checks.

If you'd find it useful, I can schedule reminder and check-in messages too.

Schedule anything

Everything else is schedule-able too, from workouts to assessments to forms to trackers to habits to reminders...

Or we may find it more useful to set things up "ad hoc" instead, and the app can accommodate that too.

Track anything

If you're someone who enjoys tracking your progress, we can record any metric you can imagine and make use of the built-in analytics.

It even syncs with MyZone, FitBit and MyFitnessPal, if you use any of them.

Or ignore it!

It’s important to say that if this isn't something that motivates you, we can do everything without it!

We can stay in touch via text or WhatsApp and I can provide workouts via spreadsheets, for example - whatever you’d prefer.

Let’s get started